Gefahrenstellen auf Straßen

by Initiative für sicherere Straßen

Auto & Vehicles


About the app danger points on the road can be easily reported. With just a few details so other road users can be warned of dangers in traffic.The main functions:Report + danger spotsSee + danger in your areaplan + Custom routes under safety aspects+ make streets and roads saferIf you discover a dangerous place in your area or such know elsewhere, you can mark this place by clicking on the map. With a few additional details you can add where there is a risk and for whom it is particularly dangerous (pedestrians, cars ...). With a photo and a private short text the point of operation can be described more fully optional.Users of the danger zones app are always well informed about potential risks on their way. And anyone who enters even dangerous points helps, to make our roads safer.Free use, quick installation, easy operation. No advertising or in-app purchases.